What are Provisions Boxes?

These farm-style boxes, filled with contributions from families, are offered up in our auction — 12 identical(ish) boxes per collection. These lots offer the opportunity for families to contribute a wide-range of goods, support local businesses, and are the perfect opportunity to collaborate, get creative, and share the bounty of our beautiful Sonoma County.

New this year! Mixing up class pairings — this year it will be: TK+K, 1st+2nd, 3rd+4th, 5th+6th, and 7th+8th.

Are you a maker of jams, pickles, or delectable baked goods? Yes! Do you make wine or beer or vinegar or olive oil? Yes! Do you love to garden, and want to share starts or flowers or fruits or vegetable bounty? Yes! Do you love to craft or sew or make? Yes! Are you all about candles, linens, home goods? Yes! Do you not do any of these things, but know someone in your friend, family, or business community who does and want to support them? Yes! The options are endless; each class’ box is unique and wonderful. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need ideas! Thank you!

Want more ideas? Check out previous boxes!

Provisions Donations

Thank you so much for your contribution!

If you have questions, please feel free to email Alison Boaz.

Looking for the Auction donation form? It’s here.

Provisions Donation Drop-Off

Annex Building in THS Parking Lot (will be marked with signage)

Friday, May 10th, 7:45–8:15 am and 2:30–5 pm

Monday, May 13th, 7:45–8:15 am and 2:30–5 pm

Provisions Sales Go Live on Sunday, April 21st

Bookmark that date as they sell quickly!

Provisions Pick-Up for all Purchasers:
Wednesday, May 15th at 8:30 AM

(After Pack the Quad)